A Hybrid Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Method Based on Grey Linguistic 2-tuple

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, P. R. China

2 School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China

3 School of Mathematics and Economics, Hubei University of Education, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China


Because of the complexity of decision-making environment, the uncertainty of fuzziness and the uncertainty of grey maybe coexist in the problems of multi-attribute group decision making. In this paper, we study the problems of multi-attribute group decision making with hybrid grey attribute data (the precise values, interval numbers and linguistic fuzzy variables coexist, and each attribute value has a certain grey degree), and present a new grey hybrid multi-attribute group decision making method based on grey linguistic 2-tuple. Concretely, the concept of grey linguistic 2-tuple is defined based on the traditional linguistic 2-tuple, and the transformation methods of transforming the precise values, interval numbers and linguistic fuzzy variables into the grey linguistic 2-tuples are presented respectively. Further, a new grey linguistic 2-tuple weighted averaging (emph{GLTWA}) operator is presented to aggregate multiple decision makers' individual decision information into comprehensive decision information, and then a ranking method based on grey 2-tuple correlation degree is presented to rank all alternatives and to select the winners. An application decision making example of supplier selection is also given to validate the method developed and to highlight the implementation, practicality and effectiveness of the presented method.


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