Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) is an international journal published by University of Sistan and Baluchestan founded in 2003 and supported by Iranian Fuzzy System Society. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) aims to provide an international forum for refereed original research works in the theory and applications of fuzzy sets and systems in the areas of foundations, pure mathematics, artificial intelligence, control, robotics, data analysis, data mining, decision making, finance and management, information systems, operations research, pattern recognition and image processing, soft computing and uncertainty modeling. Manuscripts submitted to the IJFS must be original unpublished work and should not be in consideration for publication elsewhere. Aims and Scope Publishing the original research works in the theory and applications of fuzzy sets and systems in the areas of foundations, pure mathematics, artificial intelligence, control, robotics, data analysis, data mining, decision making, finance and management, information systems, operations research, pattern recognition and image processing, soft computing and uncertainty modeling.
Statement Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) is a two monthly journal is peer reviewed electronic and printed online. IJFS is an open access publication, which publishes of original research papers and review papers. IJFS is the member of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Core Value IJFS has the core values as: - Scientific integrity - Quality - Originality - Clarity - Innovation - Knowledge dissemination.
Publishing Schedule IJFS is a two monthly publication releasing six seasonal issues each year. Exact schedule of publication for each issue is as the following:
IJFS has a very strong editorial board, whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. The full names and affiliations of the journal’s editors are provided on the journal’s Web site (
Editor Roles and Responsibilities Editors of scientific journals have responsibilities toward the authors who provide the contents of the journals, the peer reviewers who comment on the suitability of manuscripts for publication, the journal’s readers and the scientific community, the publishers of the journals, and the public as a whole (
Editorial Board Participation The editor-in-chief should define the terms and roles of the editors and editorial board that are appointed by and report to him or her. The editor-in-chief or principal editor should ensure that the journal’s editors and editorial board are identified in the journal masthead; receive the necessary training and oversight to adequately perform editorial functions; and actively perform their responsibilities, such as assigning reviewers or reviewing manuscripts and advising on policy considerations.
Editorial Freedom The IJFS adopts the editor freedom, which holds that Editors-in-Chief have full authority over the entire content of the selected articles, which are to be published in IJFS. Some of the privileges are as follows.
Confidentiality Manuscripts submitted to journals are privileged communications that are authors’ private, confidential property, and authors may be harmed by premature disclosure of any or all of a manuscript’s details.
Integrity Editorial decisions should be based on the relevance of a manuscript to the journal and on the manuscript’s originality, quality, and contribution to evidence about important questions. Those decisions should not be influenced by commercial interests, personal relationships or agendas, or findings that are negative or that credibly challenge accepted wisdom. The IJFS has very strong ethical policy, which is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with International Committee of IJFS Editorial Board codes of conduct. Readers, authors, reviewers and editors should follow these ethical policies once working with IJFS (
Peer Review IJFS publishes original research papers and review papers. The publication exercises peer review process in order to quality control by qualified specialists is covered by the database. The Editorial Board will select publications with excellence in content, preferably researchers output not in commercial target.
Responsibility of Peer- Review Process Articles submitted to the IJFS Journal are allowed through peer-review process under various levels, as follows. Authors: Authors should abide by all principles of authorship. Editors: The editors should abide by all principles of Confidentiality, Timeliness, Peer Review and Integrity. Reviewers: Manuscripts submitted to journals are privileged communications that are authors’ private, confidential property, and authors may be harmed by premature disclosure of any or all of a manuscript’s details. Hence, reviewers should abide by all principles of Responsibilities of Reviewers (
Authorship All contributing authors should qualify for authorship. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the coauthors. Sufficient participation in the work is of utmost importance (
Style of file To simplify the transformation process between your documents and the final layout, we provide the Style file of the IJFS. It can be downloaded from the web page Authors are responsible for the proper formatting of accepted manuscripts by using the Style file of the IJFS (Word files (*.doc) are not accepted).
Conflict of interest All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work.
Submission declaration and verification Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere), that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright holder.
Changes to authorship Please be advised that, as per journal policy, we are unable to make changes to the author list and corresponding author once a paper has been accepted for publication. Please ensure that the authorship of your paper is correct when submitting your manuscript to IJFS, as no amendments can be made after acceptance. Copyright All corresponding authors of each manuscript should be download "COPYRIGHT RELEASE FORM" from this page, then complete and sign this form by all authors or just corresponding author and submit this form with all mandatory files which mentioned in bellow. By signing this form, copyright transfer to IJFS.
Similarity check It should also be noted that this journal uses the system of matching scientific articles in ( Irandoc to confirm the absence of plagiarism in the submitted articles. Articles will also be reviewed with Plagiarism Detection Software before acceptance.
Proofs and Reprints Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for type setting and editing. There are no page charges. |