On the multivariate process capability vector in fuzzy environment

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The production of a process is expected to meet customer demands, specifications or engineering tolerances. The ability of a process to meet these expectations is expresed as a single number using a process capability index. When the quality of the products relates to more than one characteristic, multivariate process capability indices are applied. As it is known, in some circumstances we are faced with imprecise data. So, fuzzy logic is engaged to deal with them. In this article, the specification limits and the target value of each characteristic and also, the data gathered from the process are assumed to be imprecise and a new fuzzy multivariate capability vector is introduced. As a whole, the present article provides a research of the application of fuzzy logic in multivariate capability vector.


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