Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Electronics, Laboratory of Automatic and Robotics LARC, University of Mentouri brother's Constantine, Route Ain ElBey, 25000, Constantine , Algeria


The paper presents a novel type of fuzzy sets, called time-Varying Fuzzy Sets (VFS). These fuzzy sets are based on the Gaussian membership functions, they are depended on the error and they are characterized by the displacement of the kernels to both right and left side of the universe of discourse, the two extremes kernels of the universe are fixed for all time. In this work we focus only on the midpoint movement of the universe, all points of supports (kernels) are shifted by the same distance and in the same direction excepted the two extremes points of supports are always fixed for all computation time. To show the effectiveness of this approach we used these VFS to develop a PDC (Parallel Distributed Compensation) fuzzy controller for a nonlinear and certain system in continuous time described by the T-S fuzzy model, the parameters of the functions defining the midpoint movements are optimized by a PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) approach.


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