Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, ITM University, Gwalior- 474001, M. P., India

2 Department of Mathematics, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna-473226, M. P., India


In the fuzzy set theory, information  measures play a paramount role in several areas such as decision making, pattern recognition etc. In this paper, similarity measure based on cosine function and entropy measures based on logarithmic function for IFSs are proposed. Comparisons of proposed similarity and entropy measures with the existing ones are listed. Numerical results limpidly betoken the efficiency of these measures over others. An intuitionistic fuzzy weighted measures (IFWM) with TOPSIS method for multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) quandary is introduced to grade the alternatives. This approach is predicated on entropy and weighted similarity measures for IFSs. An authentic case study is discussed to rank the four organizations. To compare the different rankings, a portfolio selection problem is considered. Various portfolios have been constructed and analysed for their risk and return. It has been examined that if the portfolios are developed using the ranking obtained with proposed method, the return is increased with slight increment in risk.


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