Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Logistic regression is a non-linear modification of the linear
regression. The purpose of the logistic regression analysis is to
measure the effects of multiple explanatory variables which can be
continuous and response variable is categorical. In real life there are
situations which we deal with information that is vague in
nature and there are cases that are not explained
precisely. In this regard, we have used the concept of possiblistic
odds and fuzzy approach. Fuzzy logic deals with linguistic
uncertainties and extracting valuable information from linguistic
terms. In our study, we have developed fuzzy possiblistic logistic
model with trapezoidal membership function and fuzzy possiblistic
logistic model is a tool that help us to deal with imprecise
observations. Comparison fuzzy logistic regression model with classical
logistic regression has been done by goodness of fit criteria on real life as an example.


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