Multiple attribute group decision making with linguistic variables and complete unknown weight information

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China.

2 Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2564, USA


Interval type-2 fuzzy sets, each of which is characterized by the footprint of uncertainty, are a very useful means to depict the linguistic information in the process of decision making. In this article, we investigate the group decision making problems in which all the linguistic information provided by the decision makers is expressed as interval type-2 fuzzy decision matrices where each of the elements is characterized by interval type-2 fuzzy set, and the information about attribute weights is completely unknown.
We first introduce the average centroid matrix of the interval type-2 fuzzy decision matrix, and then utilize the interval type-2 fuzzy averaging operator to aggregate all individual interval type-2 fuzzy decision matrices into a collective interval type-2 fuzzy decision matrix. Based on the average centroid matrix of the collective interval type-2 fuzzy decision matrix and information theory, we develop an optimization model by which a straightforward formula for deriving attribute weights can be obtained. Furthermore, based on the interval type-2 fuzzy averaging operator, we utilize the average centroid measure to give an approach to ranking the given alternatives and then selecting the most desirable one(s). Finally, we give an illustrative example.


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