Applications of generalized fixed points theorems to the existence of uncertain differential equations with finite delay

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Orinoquia, Kilometro 9 via a Cano Limon, Arauca, Colombia

2 Departamento de Matematica, Universidad de Tarapaca, Casilla 7D, Arica, Chile.

3 Department of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran

4 Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela de Matematicas, A.A.678, Bucaramanga, Colombia


In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions to initial value problems associated to ordinary fuzzy differential equations with finite delay in the setting of a generalized Hukuhara derivative. Our approach is based on the results of fixed points of weakly contractive mappings on partially ordered metric spaces.
