A new stability criterion for high-order dynamic fuzzy systems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 epartment of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman


Fuzzy modeling is a well-known solution for simplified modeling and predicting nonlinear systems behavior. Dynamic TSK Fuzzy Systems are an important branch in fuzzy modeling and are used for complex nonlinear dynamic systems modeling vastly. High order fuzzy systems have been developed recently in the fuzzy modeling field, aiming to reduce number of the fuzzy model rules compared to zero and first order systems, not in cost of a larger modeling error. Employing high order TSK in dynamic TSK fuzzy systems, motivates finding a better model for nonlinear dynamic systems. Closed loop control system design is an important usage of dynamic TSK models, including the stability analysis as the first step.
\\While stability investigation is a main part of any Controller design process, in this paper, a criterion has been investigated based on Lyapunov second method, for High Order Dynamic TSK Fuzzy System stability. Although the controller design process is not totally discussed in this paper, however some examples are provided to verify the proposed stability criterion.


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